独家!27款复古游戏街机任天堂像素插画海报设计AI矢量源文件-第2650期- 传单海报 1K+ 3年前 0 安鱼 27款EPS源文件 不含字体 Halloween is near, are you ready for spooky october this year? This design inspired from the classic horror / zombie game tittle with pixel art style artwork in vector format Vector illustration inspired from the 80’s classic video game console with pixel art illustration mixed with politic message about war and oil. Illustration of retro 80’s car with Motivational quote mixed with pixel art illustration style in vector format. Inspired from the 80’s – 90’s popular sci-fi movie era and electronic toys mixed with pixel art illustration style in vector format. 点赞 该资源需登录后下载去登录 温馨提示:本资源来源于互联网,仅供参考学习使用。若该资源侵犯了您的权益,请 联系我们 处理。