40款幽默风趣几何无衬线英文字体海报品牌logo标识排版字体下载 -第516期-

Radiate Sans is a Humanist – Geometric Sans Serif fonts, Simple geometric letters shapes, medium contrast character style, It was designed lately 2018. and published on April 2020. Radiate Sans is a neutral typeface, have stroke modulation (strokes that clearly vary in width along their line) or alternating thick and thin strokes.

Radiate Sans intended as a display typeface that could be used for posters and advertisements, as well as for the text of documents that need to be clearly legible at small sizes or from a distance, such as book blurbs, timetables and price lists.

The family include 5 font weights, with a bonus 4 Widths in the OpenType version. It supports ISO Adobe 2, Adobe CE, Latin Extended characters, Standard Greek, and Standard Cyrillic. OpenType features include small caps, old style figures, superscript and subscript, ordinals, proportional lining figures, and case forms.

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40款幽默风趣几何无衬线英文字体海报品牌logo标识排版字体下载 -第516期-